          GIPSA-Lab, GAIA Pole
          11 rue des mathématiques
          B.P. 46
          38402 SAINT MARTIN D'HERES Cedex
          Phone: +33 4 76 82 71 04      Fax: +33 4 76 57 47 90
          steeve.zozor AT
CONICET corresponding researcher at the IFLP

I was born in 1972 in Colmar, France. I received the Electrical Engineering degree from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Electriciens de Grenoble (ENSIEG; electrical engineering school), Grenoble Institute of Technology (G-INP),  France, in 1995. I received the DEA degree and the Doctor degree in signal processing in 1995 and in 1999 respectively, both from the G-INP. Since June 2012, I am HDR (habilité à diriger des recherches, i.e. habilitation to advise researchers) from the G-INP & Univserity Grenoble Alpes (UGA).

Since October 2001, I am permanent researcher (currently Directeur de recherche, since 2017) with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France, and I am working in the Grenoble institute of Images sPeech Signal and Automatic Laboratory (GIPSA-Lab, CNRS-UMR 5216), in the GAIA (Geometry, leArning, Information an Algorithms) pole, Grenoble, France.

Since May 2023, I am corresponding researcher with the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Centíficas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina, affcted to the Instute of Physics of La Plata (IFLP).

In 2001, I spent several months (march-october) at the Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland in the Lausanne Heart group.
From october 2012 to november 2013, I was at the Instituto de Física de La Plata, CONICET y Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Provincia de Buenos-Aires, Argentina, thanks to a local grant from the Région Rhône-Alpes (AGIR).

Since 2010, I spend between 1 and 3 month at the IFLP as invited professor.

I am currently Senior Area Editor (SAE) for IEEE Signal Processing Letters (since June 2019) and formerly Associate Editor (2015-2019).

I am elected member of the french national committee of the scientific research (CoNRS)
section7 & CID55

I am in charge of the Signal-Image-sPeech-Telecommunication speciality of the doctoral school EEATS

I was formly at the head of the CICS (Communication and Information in Complex Systems) team (2015-2020).

My research interests include stochastic resonance in a wide sense (theory, application in signal processing, multistable perception...), informationbal tools with applications (e.g., entropic inequalities, entropic uncertainty relations, quantum coding, generalized MaxEnt problems...), signal processing for special distributions (e.g., elliptically invariant random vectors, alpha-stable distributions) , order statistics and biomedical signal processing (organization measure for spatiotemporal signal such as entropy or complexity), Magnetic Anomaly Detection, Geometric approaches for communication purposes (intereferrence modeling, k-covering problems...), statistical learning in large dimension and information theory...

I took part in the ANR projects "Neurofet" and "GAZE-EEG", and in a cooperation between the CNRS and the CONICET (Argentina) on Information Theory and Quantum Physics.

I was and am involved in various  industrial project with the G2eLab, DGA, Naval Group, OrangeLabs, Thalès...

I took part to a young research project of the GDR ISIS (working group) of the CNRS: "Analys non-stationnaire et non-linéaire de signaux électrique cardiaques"

I regularly serve as a referee to various journal and confrence on signal processing (IEEE trans. on SP, SPL, IEEE trans. on IT, IEEE trans. on Com., IEEE trans. on Biomed. Eng., Signal Processing, Applied SP, EUSIPCO, ICASSP, GRETSI...), on Probability (Stat. and Proba. Let.) and on Physics (Phys. Rev. A, Phys. Rev. E, J. of Phys. A, J. Math. Phys, Physica A, Fluc. and Noise Let...)

I took part in the organizing comitee of the summer school Physics-signal-Physics: "On the link between nonlinear physics and information sciences, "physics-signal-physics".

Curriculum Vitae    -      Research activities     -    Teaching & advising (PhD...)       -     Publications      -     Hobbies

Some colleagues/collaborators:

- Pierre-Olivier Amblard (GIPSA-Lab, university of Grenoble)
- Olivier Michel (GIPSA-Lab, University of Grenoble)
- Hachème Ayasso (GIPSA-Lab, University of Grenoble)
- Jean-Marc Brossier (GIPSA-Lab, University of Grenoble)
- Christine Servière (GIPSA-Lab, university of Grenoble)
- Ronald Phlypo (GIPSA-Lab, university of Grenoble)
- Anne Guerin-Dugué (GIPSA-Lab, university of Grenoble)
- Christophe Vignat (LSS, supélec & University of Orsay)
- Jean-François Bercher (LIGM, université Paris-Est / ESIEE)

- Mariela Portesi (IFLP, Argentina)

- Martín Bosyk
(IFLP, Argentina)
- Federico Holik
(IFLP,, Argentina)
- Pedro Walter Lamberti (FaMAF, universidad de Córdoba, Argentina)

- Fabricio Toscano (universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Pablo Sanchez-Moreno (Universidad de Granada, España)
- Jesus S. Dehesa (Universidad de Granada, España)

- Irene
Valero-Toranzo (Universidad de Granada, España)
- David Puertas-Centeno
(Universidad de Granada, España)

- Laure-Line Rouve (G2eLab
, University of Grenoble Alpes)
- Gilles Cauffet (G2eLab
, University of Grenoble Alpes)
- Jean-Louis Coulomb (G2eLab
, University of Grenoble Alpes)
- Hugues Henocq (DGA, Brest)

- François Chapeau-Blondeau (LARIS, University of Angers)
- David Rousseau (LARIS, University of Angers)
- Adi Bulsara (SPAWAR Center System, San Diego, CA, USA)
- Max-Olivier Hongler (LPM, EPF Lausanne)
- Yuri Lopes de Meneses (ex. LPM, EPF Lausanne)
- Jean-Marc Vesin (LTS, EPF Lausanne)
-  Patrick Flandrin (ENS Lyon)
- Philippe Ravier (PRISME, axe Signal, University of Orléans)
- Olivier Buttelli (PRISME, axe Signal, University of Orléans)
- David Alleysson (LPNC, University Pierre Mendes France of Grenoble)
- Alan Chauvin (LPNC, University Pierre Mendes France of Grenoble)
- Halim Hicheur (LPNC, University Pierre Mendes France of Grenoble)

Some web pages of signal processing labs:

- GIPSA-lab,Grenoble
- Institut Gapsard Monge, "Signal and Communication" Team
- ENS-Lyon, Lab. of Physics, SISYPH team  (signals, systems and physics)
- LTS (Signal Processing Lab. of the EPFL)
- Laboratoire PRISME, University of Orléans
- SPAWAR, San Diego


Some links...

- To know more about Stochastic Resonance: here
- french-swiss group of interest on noise in nonlinear systems
- Webvision: about the retina
- Elsevier journals (signal processing...)
- American Physical Society (Phys. Rev., etc.)
- American Institute of Physics (Chaos, Applied Physics Letters, etc.)
- Institute Of Physics (others journal of physics)

Last modification: August 2023